Did you miss the series of workshops in November 2010 on ‘Doing Business in Brazil’? We have archived the presentations in PDF format below:
- Doing Business in Brazil
Robert Stackpole, Department of Commerce - How Cultural Intelligence Can Influence Your Bottom Line
Chris Blazer, Valley Language Services - Brazilian American Chamber of Comerce Overview
Lucia Jennings, Brazilian-American Chamber of Commerce- Southeast - Building Academic Interchanges with Brazilian Institutions
Ken McNabb, Auburn University - Foreign Corrupt Practices Act / Rules, Obligations, and Risks
Bill Athanas, Waller Law - Regulatory and Legal Aspects of Doing Business in Brazil
Michael Johnson, JohnstonBarton Law
For a list of similar international trade events in Alabama, please refer to the Trade Calendar.
Note: A comprehensive Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) seminar is scheduled for December 9, in Huntsville.
A special thanks to all of the sponsors and hosts for this event:
- Alabama Development Office –Trade Division
- Alabama International Trade Center (AITC)
- Birmingham Business Alliance
- Birmingham International Center
- Brazilian-American Chamber of Commerce Southeast
- Consulate General of Brazil in Atlanta
- Huntsville / Madison County Chamber of Commerce
- Johnston Barton Attorneys
- North Alabama International Trade Association (NAITA)
- U.S. Department of Commerce – Birmingham
- Valley Language Services